trackingAsset white
This is the first
for the hot air balloon sport.

Everything you need to compete and organize a competition

 The four main elements of the System are:

    The Balloon-tracking application.
    The websites
(the main website of the system and the sub-websites of the Events). 
    The special rentable hardware.
    The central server with the data processing software.

Are you a competitor or a competition organizer? 
In this menu you will find how to use and what Balloon-tracking gives you.

1, Using the Balloon-tracking application as Pilot

balloon trackingAsset 1The use of the balloon-tracking application is free,

but registration is required at www.balloon-tracking.eu. 

Use the app for your trainings and flights and enjoy the features! 

Don't have a registration yet? You can do it here >  Register now

To download the app click here:       Googla Play logo            
or use this QR code:  qrcode vagott 

The app is currently only available on Android mobile devices. Are you a captain and don't have an Android mobile? You can rent for the competitions with one click. You can download the manual here.

2, Using the Balloon-tracking System as a Competitor

Winning TrophyAre you a Competitor? The Balloon-tracking System offers you many services at Events. To use the Balloon-tracking System at Events, you need Event Credits. 


Learn more about the prices and the most important services


Some of the features that the Balloon Tracking System gives you:


AAR GPSL 6 01Competitor Logger: As a Pilot in Events, you can use the Tube (as an external sensor) unit, which when connected to your app will make you a perfect logger. Logger is convenient, secure, and easy to use, but the Logger feature is only a small part of the complex features of the Balloon-tracking System.



cloud computing shutterstock86252119Storing and managing your data: As a Pilot, you can use the System to store your own, your team's and your balloon's data in the cloud on the main website.



appy now for a JobApply for Events, Share Your Data: Simply apply to Events using the built-in form.
After accepting your application, the System will automatically share your required information with the Organizers and Event Directors, - based on your permission during the application.



send dataChange in your data: If you change any of the data, all Event Organizers you have applied for will know immediately. Thus, it is not necessary to send it separately to each Event Organizer.



effective pr 1474248734Your PR communications: You can save your PR communications on your Profile page.
Write there in one place about yourself, your sponsors, your team. What you have written there on the website of all the Events where you are competing will appear in your “About Me” window.



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Menage Crew: With a few clicks you can manage your team separately for each Event.
Your team members can follow your balloon in real time on the app's display and you can see where your team's car is going.



60 603410 order now png free download ordering goodsOrders: You can send your requests to the Organizers on the Events Orders page.
At the discretion of the Organizer, you may be able to pay for them there. If you buy here, you will always find the receipt or invoice on this page.


download legit 250x150Downloading documents: On the Download page you will find documents from you and your team sent by the Organizer.



In-flight safety: The Tube device will send you a speed limit warning on the application display during flights if another balloon is fly nearby, below or above you. The Tube and app together provide a service for balloon captains like FLARM for gliders or TICAS for commercial pilots.


ChatChat, Bulletins: Contestants can use the Chat feature to communicate. The Event Organizer and Directors may send you official Bulletins, the arrival and acknowledgment of which you can confirm.




These are just some of the features that the Balloon-tracking System gives you. This System is designed to keep you from flying and racing - we'll help you with everything else. 

Get to know, buy Event credit, and use them in competitions!

The prices of the Event Credits:

Credits for Pilots:              € 10 per Event or   /   € 28 valid for an unlimited number of Events per year.
Credits for Crew:              €   9 per Event or  /   € 25 valid for an unlimited number of Events per year.

Click here to buy Credits for each Event, or even buy a one-year unlimited Credit package.

3, Using the Balloon-tracking System as Event Organizers, Directors and Officials

Hard jobService 2Organizing and managing a hot air balloon competition is a big and complex job.

The Balloon-tracking system provides services to you in your work.

You must pay a fee for the services of the System. We will sign a contract with you, describe what you ask of us and what we offer you. We will provide you with the necessary hardware, Event and Officilas licenses, helpdesk and work with you for the success of your Event.

Want to know more about what the System gives you?

Managing process 2Managing an Event is the same job as managing a company or a large project.

The Balloon-tracking System helps you with many things.

Here are some of them:


PR 1PR, Marketing and Publicity: As part of the Balloon-tracking System, you will have your own Event sub-website. You can communicate with the public and sponsors on the public pages of your website. Use it as if you had built it!


megafonEvent internal communication: the Event sub-website also connects you with Competitors and Officials on closed websites. You can build different user groups, you can decide on their rights. You can send emails to groups and upload downloadable documents to them.



118 1185190 ebulletinlogo e bulletin logoBulletins: As an Organizer and Director, you have the ability to publish Bulletins. These will reach the applications of the participants as an official announcement. The System will show you when the applications received this, so that participants can already know their contents. You can set to wait for confirmation when sending. Participants can then use the "Confirm" button to indicate that they have acknowledged the Bulletin. You can easily review who received and confirmed the Bulletin when, and this will also be the data stored in the Event.

Data management:

cloud computing shutterstock86252119Storing and updating data: You do not have to manage the data of the participants. They manage this on their own Profile page, and you get this information from them within the closed system.If someone has changed their own data, the System will notify you. The system gives you security, it perfectly complies with GDPR rules.


OrderOrder management: You have the ability to manage competitors' orders through the System. Collect the submitted applications online, keep them in the System. If you need to generate spreadsheets from these, you can do so with one click.


Pay Online Here ButtonManagement of purchases and payments: The Balloon-tracking System also offers you the option of allowing competitors to pay for your order with a credit card when submitting their orders. In this case, the invoice is also issued automatically. The money paid will be transferred to you together with the sending of the detailed data.


reportStatus reports, summary tables: Online you can see where the organization and processes are going. You can see reports about your data, you can filter, aggregate, export and save them.


doc generate 1Generating Documents: You can easily generate documents based on samples from up-to-date data in the System. Create custom invitation letters, access cards, parking permits, etc. with one click. With a few more clicks, you can print them, email them by name, or save them to a contestant's individual Download folder.



Event and task management: 

pipalos 3Supplies: You can compile packages that can be received by participants. (maps, stickers, admission cards, meal tickets, markers, parking permits, etc.) These will be digitally signed by the participants in the application, and you can see the summaries online.



airspaces 3Predefined zones and points: In the Event map you can predefine airspaces, zones, areas, points, selectable targets. You are free to use them and send them to competitors' applications.



TaskTask Management: After defining the flights and task, you can share tasks with Target Team Leaders with one click. The System will also send a route plan to the Target Teams for this, they can go to the Target Points. You can also share information with competitors at the right time with another click.

Fix positionConfirm Target and MMA Position: After selecting Target and MMA, Target Team Leader will confirm the final coordinates in the app online, which will automatically reach the competitor apps.



live dataOnline / delayed balloon flight tracking: Officials tracks all balloons online. The Pilots and their own Crew follow their own balloon online. At the competition, the public can follow all the balloons on the website with a delay you set (e.g. 10-30 min).



data inputPDG, Drop Marker: The PDG and Electronic marker drop clicks are also stored in the app. These are delivered to the server as soon as the application can send data. This way you can track the work of the competitors almost online.



measuringMarker Measurement: The Target Team can save the results of the physical Marker drop measurement online, the data is also saved in the application. Preliminary measured data can even be published online / delayed, making it more interesting for the public to follow the competition.


scoringScoring: Digital data and tracks are available online for scoring. This data is transmitted to the server via a closed and encrypted channel by the Captains and Measuring Team members' applications. From March 2022, you can use the built-in scoring module of the Balloon-tracking System.


Result 2Publishing results: You can share the preliminary results and lists with the officials and competitors groups, or even with the public.
Official results and lists may appear on a separate page.


Comments 3Comments, Questions, Protests: Competitors may send their questions, comments and protests to the Officials online. These are archived and saved by the System. You also have the option to pay the protest fees immediately through the app or the website. Officials' responses and Jury's decisions will also be archived. These will be sent to the competitors according to the rules.


4 8 PMS demo vgottThe PBMS function: The unique feature of the Balloon-tracking System is Predefined Back-up Messages Services, PBMS. During flight, balloons can often find themselves in a situation where Internet communication is impossible or insecure. The Balloon-tracking System provides a solution for Event Directors to define text messages before Flights.

These messages are stored in the background by the applications. If you wish to communicate the information described in one of the stored messages to the competitors, this can be done with one click. The System will then send an activation command to all applications and terrestrial radio receivers. Mobile terrestrial radios begin broadcasting the command to Tubes. Applications with an Internet connection display the content of the message to the pilot and also pass the activation code to the paired Tube device. Then, this Tube device will also transmit the code to other Tubes in a radio message. This way, it gets to where there is no internet connection at the moment.


Organizing and managing a hot air balloon competition is a big and complex job.
The Ballon-trackig System can't do it for you, but give it a lot of help.

Use the Balloon-tracking System to organize and manage your Event!

Service 2With the Balloon-tracking System, we provide you with services for organizing and managing your event.

We sign a contract with you, describe what you ask of us and what we offer you. We will provide you with the necessary hardware, your Event website, Officials licenses and helpdesk for your money.

We will work with you for the success of the Event. Get to know more info about  prices 

To discuss your requests and details, write to us here: Send me more info

4. Event hardware packages for using the Balloon-Trackig System

boxes 4DeWalt ldaThe Ballon-tracking System is a unique complex system that also includes special hardware.

These are not required to organize and follow up on Events, however, during the competition, these are required to use all the features of the System.

You can rent these equipment in packages to suit the number of competitors.

Learn more about hardware for rent

 Elements of the hardware packages


Tube 2The Tube: The Tube is a basic device in the Balloon-tracking System. This is an external measuring and radiocommunication unit, includes a data backup module, GPS, humidity, temperature and pressure sensor to determine the correct position. It connects to Android mobile device via Bluetooth and transfers all the necessary data there. Pilots can rent Balloon-tracking android mobile device with one click for Event.

Tube and the application together provide the logger functions. In addition, it works as a radio transceiver, communicating with all Tube devices on board the other balloons. Based on the received data, the application is able to display messages and alerts during the flight, even when there is no internet connection. The Tube and app together provide a service for balloon pilots like FLARM for gliders or TICAS for commercial pilots. Tube radio broadcasts reach the System's mobile GS radio receivers without restriction.

Tube 2Hare and Target Tubes: We provide two types of special Tube devices for Events. Their hardware is almost identical to the Tube devices used on the balloon but their software and some of their modules are designed for their special task. 
Target Tubes are used by Target Teams, Hare Tube is flown aboard the Hare Balloon.


20191014 083356The GS receiver: The Balloon-tracking Ground Staion is an industrial portable radio receiver. Its function is to receive radio transmissions from the balloons flying in the air and to transmit the data to the System server.

In addition, all received data is backed up to the System.  


360 as kamerakp360-degree camcorder: Typically used near Targets. It captures 4K resolution 360-degree video that can even be streamed to the public to promote the competition. This saves the recording at the same time, which can be used by scorers and the jury to check flight and drop. Videos can be edited later and shared on the Event website or elsewhere.


 Enjoy the 360 degree video here or open it on YouTube for higher resolution


You can find the contents of the packages and the rents here: Go to HW packages

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